Case Results By Jason Recksiedler or First Choice Law

At First Choice Law, we've dedicate our legal careers to the area of civil trial practice and litigation.

We have obtained multiple million dollar jury verdicts and/or settlements for our clients, as well as countless five and six figure recoveries. In 2012, Jason J. Recksiedler obtained a jury verdict of $880,000, one of the largest Civil Rights verdicts in Central Florida history, against a City of Orlando police officer, for the use excessive force.

Resolution: $7,250,000

Auto negligence of a rental car employee and a pedestrian, resulting in serious and permanent injuries to both legs of our client.*
Maria Z

Resolution: $5,000,000

Victim of a Motorcycle crash. Partial amputation of lower extremity and other medical complications.*
Ali A

Resolution: $3,000,000

Pedestrian struck and killed by a commercial carrier while changing a tire.*
Susan D. as PR of Estate of D

Resolution: $2,300,000

Trucking Accident. (Confidential facts).*
Mr. K.

Resolution: $1,800,000

Head-on collision resulting in surgery.

Resolution: $1,300,000

Outside vehicle entering a construction site striking worker; resulting in fatality.*
Karen S. as PR of Estate of S.

Resolution: $1,000,000

Premises negligence at health facility resulting in sexual assault.
S. R.

Resolution: $1,000,000

Medical error in over-prescribing medication and pharmacy failing to identify error, resulting in overdose.*
Stephen A. as PR of Estate of A.

Resolution: $1,000,000

Faulty equipment resulting in paraplegia of young athlete.*
Dounia B

Resolution: $880,000

Excessive Force resulting in C2 fracture requiring surgery.*
Daniel D.

Resolution: $865,000

Negligence in causing a commercial tanker to overturn, resulting in environmental cleanup.*
Gates S.

Resolution: $790,000

Auto negligence resulting in fatality.
The R. Family

Resolution: $750,000

Products Liability. Fire arm malfunction.
James P.

Resolution: $600,000

Auto negligence resulting in abdominal surgery for son and cervical surgery for mom.*
The S. Family

Resolution: $600,000

Auto negligence involving a commercial vehicle resulting in serious neck injury.
Mark G.

Resolution: $500,000

Civil Rights Violation. Negligence/Excessive Force in the execution of a search warrant resulting in a fatal shooting.*
Estate of Dereck C.

Resolution: $500,000

Negligent operation of utilities leading to a fall and resulting in back injury.
Liesl G.

Resolution: $450,000

Premises Liability (Confidential facts).*
Ms. V.

Resolution: $450,000

Serious car crash. Originally ticketed by FHP as the at fault party. After investigating we proved that the commercial truck performed an illegal U-turn. Case resolved after providing evidence to the truck owner's insurance company.*
Kathy W.

Resolution: $435,000

Involved in serious car crash resulting in internal bleeding, surgery on both knees, and a fractured leg.*
Paula F.

Resolution: $415,000

Passenger on a public bus which was rear-ended by Defendant; resulting in Cervical surgery.*
Theresa T.

Resolution: $400,000

Head on collision resulting in removal of 26.5 cm of small intestine. Injuries to neck, back, right shoulder, left knee, left ankle, and right ribs, with multiple contusions, including a large laceration around back of left heel.*
Adam R.

Resolution: $400,000

Premises Liability (Confidential Facts)
Ms. L

Resolution: $389,000

Rear end collision resulting in knee surgery and injury to shoulder, neck and back.*
Roseanne I.

Resolution: $375,000

Slip & Fall at national supermarket resulting in surgery.
Jodi P.

Resolution: $350,000

Auto negligence involving a commercial truck resulting in neck and shoulder injuries. Non-surgical case.
Mark H.

Resolution: $325,000

Passenger in a vehicle stopped at traffic light which was rear-ended; resulting in Hip surgery.*
Majeda Z.

Resolution: $280,000

Failure of educational institution to remedy “bullying” that resulted in assault.

Resolution: $280,000

Premises liability resulting in injuries to multiple body parts.
Paula D.

Resolution: $275,000

Slip and Fall (Confidential facts).*
Mrs. H.

Resolution: $240,000

Car Accident (Confidential Facts)
Ms. N.

Resolution: $160,000

Auto negligence resulting in neck and back injuries.
Jennifer S.

"These results represent a small sampling of results obtained by Jason Recksiedler or First Choice Law. Mr. Recksiedler or First Choice Law had obtained hundreds more successful results for their clients, both through Jury Trials and settlements."

Pursuant to the rules of the Florida Bar, you are advised that each case is different and those provided may not be representative of the results obtained by the lawyers.

First Choice Law in Orlando, FL